Babies exposed to smoke have a higher risk of infections

In Babies and more we have repeatedly talked about the terrible effects of smoking on babies, even since they are in the womb.

That the mother and / or father are smokers also makes the children passive or second-hand smokers, in addition to smoking other people's smoke in public places. However, the European Parliament has taken an important step in that direction by signing a report that will ban smoking in some places in the presence of children such as playgrounds and private vehicles.

Still, many children are victims of their parents' vice, and there is no prohibition inside the house. Without going any further, Spain is the country where more parents smoke in front of their children.

To see if I convince any parent to quit smoking, I will tell them that a new study has come out that reveals that cigarette smoke increases the risk that the baby should be hospitalized for infections in the first six months of life.

According to research, one in three children exposed to tobacco smoke had had to be hospitalized for an infection at one year of age.

In addition, they have found that children who had been at least 3 meters from a smoker at some time in the first 18 months of life were 14% more likely to have been hospitalized for some type of infection at 8 years. And that premature and low birth weight babies are especially vulnerable to tobacco smoke and infections.

The study indicates that tobacco is not only harmful to the respiratory tract but also to the immune system of children, who because of this early exposure could catch serious infections.

I think there are more and more reasons to quit smoking, especially if you have children.

Video: Raising the Risk for Ear Infections (July 2024).