Adoptive parents invest more time and more money in their children

As always, I'm not friends with putting everyone in the same bag.

But, without falling into generalizations, a nationwide study in the United States concluded that Couples who adopt children spend more time and spend more money on them than biological parents.

Daily activities such as reading a story, going for a walk, eating together and talking with children about their problems occur more frequently among adoptive parents.

In addition, non-biological parents have approved with note points such as helping them with homework, getting involved in school affairs and cultural activities.

The only category in which they were worse than the biological parents was in the relationship with the parents of other children.

Does that mean that adoptive parents are better than biological parents?

As one of the psychologists who participated in the study explains, the adoptive parents have to face a society that basically does not see adoption as a true paternity (which on the other hand seems to me a stupid sovereign) and so they put More effort to show that they are good parents.

I believe that more than just showing it to others, they may try harder to earn the trust and love of the little ones.

In my view, some adoptive parents may become infinitely better parents than biological ones, but as I said before, I don't like to generalize.

Video: South Korean Adoptee Deported From . Is Suing His Homeland Over Its 'Child Export' Frenzy. TIME (July 2024).