Embryo Adoption, a successful program

After two years in operation, the first Embryo Adoption program of the Marquis Institute of Barcelona, ​​show us the success achieved. As our partner Dolores announced, a baby was born from a frozen embryo 13 years ago, but in addition, they were previously born from these frozen embryos, whose biological parents after an in vitro fertilization treatment left 52 babies in the hands of the clinic, and there are currently 16 pregnancy resulting from the adoption of an embryo.

The success of in vitro fertilization is superior with fresh embryos than frozen, no matter if they have been frozen for 3 days or 3 years, what is unknown is how many years an embryo can remain in that state. The Marquis Institute of Barcelona states that the chances of success for each cycle of donation transfer of frozen embryos at its center are 32%. After five years of permanence of the frozen embryos in the center, they become available to decide if they are destined for research, if they are discarded or if they are taken for adoption. But the goal of the Embryo Adoption Program is that they can live by finding them a mother.

To qualify for one of these embryos, it is mainly necessary that she be a woman of legal age and that she is of reproductive age and in full physical and psychological health. It can be requested by couples or women who are on the waiting list to adopt a child, single women who wish to have a child, couples who already have children and naturally, couples who have sterility problems.

Given the question of whether siblings can be found in the future, the clinic, which receives couples from all over Spain and other European countries, has an allocation system for embryos to change countries or autonomy.

If you need more information about the Embryo Adoption Program, you can access the website of the Marquis Institute of Barcelona.

Video: Introduction to Embryo Donation and Embryo Adoption (July 2024).