Smoking in pregnancy affects the physical and psychological development of the baby

Tobacco and pregnancy are not compatible at all. Most pregnant women know the harmful effects of tobacco during pregnancy, and although it is not always easy to quit, it is worth doing for the health of the fetus and their own health.

In our country, for example, between 30% and 40% of women are active smokers when they become pregnant and only 40% of them quit smoking at the beginning of pregnancy. In many cases, they also restart consumption after delivery. That is why it is important to remember that smoking in pregnancy affects the physical and psychic development in childhood.

The risks of tobacco in pregnancy

In tobacco smoke there are multiple toxins, up to 4,000 malignant substances, among which carbon monoxide, cadmium or nicotine. Recall that maternal smoking causes alterations in the development of the placenta, causing insufficient oxygen in the blood and altering the transport of nutrients. This has a negative impact on the baby, leading to stunted growth and low birth weight. The toxic effects of tobacco can even cause death of the fetus.

It is proven that women exposed to tobacco have six times more likely to have premature birthsIn addition to being related to congenital defects, spontaneous abortion, increased risk of respiratory problems and sudden death, it could also affect the fertility of the baby and can associate cognitive deficits and behavioral disorders in the childhood stage.

A study conducted in 2015 recorded for the first time the movements performed by the fetus when his mother smokes. Fetuses of smoking mothers showed a significantly higher rate of mouth movements compared to fetuses of non-smoking mothers, which could indicate true delay in the development of the baby.

On the other hand, smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of children with behavioral problems, problems that manifest themselves at ages as early as 3 years. Tobacco toxins can alter the brain function of the fetus significantly increases the risk of having children with behavioral problems. Fights, indiscipline, harassment of other minors, hyperactivity and attention and concentration problems are the problems that were in a higher percentage in the children of very smoking mothers.

Avoid smoking and do not smoke by your side

It is not only to avoid smoking, but to get away from tobacco. If you are pregnant, you do not smoke by your side either, as passive smoking also has harmful effects on the pregnant baby, something that should be clear about the pregnant woman's environment and society as a whole.

It is not always easy, but it is better to quit smoking late than never, since if the smoking habit is interrupted at the beginning of pregnancy, the harmful effects on the fetus and the newborn are corrected.

It is essential to provide support to the pregnant woman so that she can quit the habit as soon as possible. If you still shop, here we recommend ten steps to quit smoking during pregnancy. Ask your relatives not to smoke in front of you, avoid spaces with smoke, stay busy if you feel tempted to smoke, surround yourself with people who do not smoke. Your health and that of your baby will thank you.

Video: Drinking While Pregnant - Effects Of Alcohol On Unborn Babies. Fetal alcohol syndrome (July 2024).