An Argentine police breastfeeds a baby who cried in a hospital and her act of generosity goes viral

Words are unnecessary. This photograph says it all. It shows the anguished face of a woman dressed as a policeman, sitting in the corridor of a hospital breastfeeding a baby.

She is called Celeste Ayala and was on duty patrolling in a children's hospital in La Plata, in Buenos Aires, when He heard a baby cry. He asked permission to breastfeed and breastfed, with which he also breastfeeds his son. His partner decided to immortalize the moment and make known what he qualifies "act of generosity" in your Facebook account. Y This gesture of Celeste's maternal instinct has gone viral.

In the message of Marcos Heredia on social networks (this is the name of the policeman who announced his partner's initiative), you can read the admiration he felt for her:

"... without knowing it you did not doubt and for a moment you fulfilled how if you were his mother, you did not care 'the dirt and the smell' as the professional gentlemen of the hospital expressed".

But the reactions were similar in the users of the social networks when knowing the gesture of Celeste. It has already been shared 94,000 times and received 124,000 likes! And the figure does not stop rising as we write.

According to the newspaper La Nación, the boy had been separated from his mother by court order and was in the hospital to be treated for malnutrition.

Altruistic examples

Although the initiative of the Argentine police officer and a clear example of maternal instinct is very beautiful, luckily she is not the only mother to carry out an initiative just for generosity.

In Babies and More we talked to you recently about Luisa Fernanda Urrea, another 8esta police officer from Colombia) who also breastfed an abandoned baby.

Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra also spent 700 days pumping milk daily to donate 1,583 liters of breast milk.

Or Ula, the Palestinian nurse who fed a small Palestinian because her parents had suffered a car accident.

And what about another recent mom who decided to breastfeed a baby because they were operating her mother and he refused to accept the bottle.

And many more examples, of adults and also of children, that make us see that in such a capitalist world, love for others continues to find its place.

By the way! The baby admitted stopped crying as soon as Celeste put him to the chest.

Photos | Facebook

Video: Photo of police officer breastfeeding malnourished baby goes viral (July 2024).