2007: the year of the child in Russia

It is not about the Russian Christmas lottery. But from the government pro-birth campaign.

Posters on the streets of Moscow with baby faces encourage mothers to have children with phrases like "I was born in the year of the child."

Also clothing and childcare stores announce significant discounts. All deterrent measures for convince the Russians to have more children this year.

President Putin's main goal is to increase the Russian birth of the doldrums in recent years. "2007 will be the year of the child in Russia," he announced.

Population reduction has become a problem of worrying state, as is the case in other countries of the world.

On the one hand, due to the large number of deaths due to alcoholism in young men and on the other, due to low birth rates.

In Russia, most families have only one child. So in 2007, cash prizes are promised for mothers who have a second child, 40% of the salary for 18 months and help for unemployed mothers.

Although they say the measures are not as tempting as they seem. That the cash prize is charged only at three years and can only be used for certain expenses.

Let's see if the Russians are encouraged a little more to have offspring. Maybe women could take advantage of the fact that winter is not so raw this year and be encouraged to get pregnant.

Video: Cheated of Childhood: Russian Street Kids Driven to Prostitution and Crime (July 2024).