The long-awaited baby after a long wait

How many stories we know of couples who have tried for many years to become pregnant without success and suddenly, without waiting for it and without any help, they get it.

Problems, one after the other, such as repeated abortions, illnesses and failures in fertility treatments gradually undermine the couple's hopes of having a baby.

But the long-awaited day comes the miracle after a long wait, you are pregnant!

There are many exciting stories of couples who against all odds and after pressing hopes manage to have a baby. Stories that make you want to keep fighting many couples who are going through this difficult situation.

Thus, like many other women, it happened to a 38-year-old British woman with a disorder known as sticky blood syndrome who after ten years of attempts after two strokes and four abortions, finally managed to have her baby.

I do not think that the excitement of finding out that you are pregnant is greater than that of a woman who has been at the first only because of having waited longer, but it must be a very strong joy after having suffered so much.

Congratulations to those who got it and a lot of strength for the couples who are in the search. Just tell them that miracles, like that of this British woman, exist.

Video: Long-awaited reunion ends nearly 70-year wait for abandoned children (July 2024).