They study whether mercury and lead reduce women's fertility

Scientists at the Tambre Clinic in Madrid suspect that there could be some relationship between exposure to heavy metals such as mercury and lead with increasing infertility.

They assume that prolonged exposure to these metals could reduce the ovum reserve of women.

They believe, for example, that dental fillings, which contain high levels of mercury, could prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

The clue was given by a patient who after three failures in fertilization treatments, replaced her mercury dental fillings with new ones and managed to get pregnant after cleaning her body of the metal residues.

In the case of another patient the consumption of fish was reduced, some contain large doses of mercury, and also managed to conceive.

Based on these facts, they have decided to study whether the presence of mercury and lead in the body could be the reason for a deficit in the reserve of ovules in young women.

So far there has been no study that relates metals with a low ovulation response.

We will be aware of the results, since the information can be essential for many women who are trying to get pregnant without success.