Pregnancy calendar: from week 0 to week 4

With this post we will start our special Pregnancy Calendar for Babies and Childrens. The weeks of pregnancy begin to be counted from the day of the last menstruation.

That is, in regular cycles, approximately two weeks after menstruation, ovulation and fertilization will occur in the case of pregnancy.

As is very difficult to determine the exact date of conception, a certain date is taken as reference, the date of the last menstruation, and from there they count 40 weeks until delivery, or 38 weeks from the day of conception.

Week 2 of pregnancy

So, the pregnancy itself begins in week 2 When the sperm comes into contact with the ovule forming the zygote that includes the DNA of both parents, a genetic combination that will lead to an unrepeatable being.

At 30 hours of fertilization the zygote begins its amazing cell multiplication. It is divided into two, then four, eight, etc. until forming an embryo that between the 4th and 7th day after fertilization is implanted in the mother's womb. Depending on whether an egg has been fertilized, two or more twins will be born and if the zygote gives rise to two or more embryos, twins will be born.

When does the implantation, the body sends chemical signals to prevent menstruation from occurring. On some occasions, when the embryo is implanted in the uterus, the endometrial tissue erodes causing slight bleeding that can be confused with menstruation called implantation bleeding.

Week 3 of pregnancy

At 3 weeks of pregnancy the embryo is 2 weeks old. It still does not have a human appearance, but you can see two bumps that will form the body and the baby's head. The embryo at this stage is composed of three layers that will give rise to the different tissues and organs of the body.

He ectoderm (the outer covering) will lead to the formation of the nervous system.

The neural tube (brain, spinal cord, motor nerves), neural crest (sensory and nerve ganglia, adremal medulla, sympathetic ganglia, skull, gill arches) and other structures derived from it such as hair, nails, epithelial glands, lining of the mouth, tooth enamel, inner ear and nasal and olfactory epithelium.

He mesoderm (the middle cover) will be responsible for forming the majority of internal organs as well as the reproductive organs and the circulatory system, bones, muscles and cartilage.

He endoderm (the inner covering) will give rise to the respiratory and digestive system.

In these first two weeks of pregnancy, the neural tube and spinal cord belonging to the baby's central nervous system begin to form. To prevent defects in this phase it is very important that you take a folic acid supplement. But as you will not know that you are pregnant, it is recommended to start taking it from the moment you plan to conceive so that the body has a reserve of this essential vitamin of the B complex that prevents damage to the closure of the neural tube.

Week 4 of pregnancy

In the 4th week it is formed the placenta , which will be responsible for transmitting nutrients and oxygen to the baby throughout the pregnancy. In this first phase this function is fulfilled by the yolk sac, an embryonic annex without which the embryo would not survive.

The placenta produces a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone, which in turn produces an increase in estrogen and progesterone levels. The two hormones have a very important role in this first phase of pregnancy, they are responsible, among other things, for the uterus to retain the lining to house the embryo.

Likewise, the amniotic sac, the liquid medium in which the baby will live the next 9 months.

At the end of this week you may already intuit that you are pregnant. It will coincide with the date on which the rule should be lowered, but you must wait at least until the first day of delay of the rule to get a pregnancy test. Even so, the test may be negative because the levels of pregnancy hormone (GCH) have not yet been detected, so it is recommended to wait two or three days to repeat it.

As you can see in the Pregnancy calendar A perfect machinery has been put into operation that will lead to a new life. The process that is taking place inside you is absolutely amazing. As far as you are concerned, you should start taking care of your account more so that your baby grows healthy. You can find in this blog how the mother's diet, care and mood influences the unborn baby.

Video: How to Calculate Your Pregnancy by Weeks, Months & Trimesters. Weeks into Months. Your Youtube Mom (May 2024).