Racial differences in UK schools

In a plural society, it is necessary to accept all those who form it, regardless of race, should not be discriminated against, much less that this discrimination becomes palpable in schools, where education must prevail. A publication of The Guardian newspaper, shows us that in the United Kingdom there are strong racist connotations in schools.

There are several cities in this country that have schools predominantly dominated by a certain race, white, black, Asian, etc., even living in the same city, being neighbors, children go to different schools, not allowing them to mix and accept the rest as they are.

Families, for example those of white race, do not allow their children to go to schools where, most of the children are Asian and lead them to those with white predominance. This trend only fractures society and predisposes an increase in racial tensions. It's really embarrassing, it's a difficult situation to believe in a country that has embraced democracy many years ago, a country that fought against Nazi Germany, a country that knows the results of racial behaviors. It is necessary to change the way of thinking and allow the joint education of all the races that live in the country, promote the culture of sociability and acceptance, ethnic or religious divisions do not entail any benefit and yet, according to the secretary of education From the United Kingdom, David Willetts, the problem is growing day by day and it is necessary to address it from an academic, family or social point of view, otherwise, the outcome in the future can be truly regrettable.

Industrialized countries, with more culture, better media of all kinds, and yet, in the social aspect they can be considered the same or worse than those countries that do not accept other races for the religion they process.

Video: School Kid's SURPRISED When Revealing Racial Stereotypes. The Great British School Swap (July 2024).