Oral narration, the best way to interest children in reading

We have already talked several times about the importance of promoting the habit of reading in our children, about its benefits both in childhood and for the rest of their lives.

But how to get children interested in reading? As I read in a Dominican digital newspaper, the narrator Mayra Navarro who teaches a children's and youth storytelling workshop, recommends Oral narration to motivate reading in children.

He says that through this method the imagination is stimulated by making the children mentally represent the scenes that tell the stories.

But the way in which these stories are told is extremely important, using the voice to give life to the characters and acting with sounds, tones and gestures to give animation to the story.

It is not about becoming clowns, but telling a story in an attractive and playful way will wake up your child's motivation to learn new stories, new characters and settings.

The idea is that children, even before knowing how to read, begin reading in a pleasant way, instead of moving them away, bring them closer to books. For this, oral narration, besides being an art in itself, is a very effective instrument.

Finally, add something very important. That a fundamental way to spread the love for reading is the example. The school and parents should collaborate in that regard. If they see that we incorporate reading as a pleasant habit, they will follow the same path.

Video: Engaging Children in Oral Storytelling to Support Oral Language Development (May 2024).