How to act when a contagious disease appears in a public school

Sometimes certain contagious diseases appear in schools which can affect a good number of students, How do you act when this situation occurs? First of all, speed is essential, especially to prevent the disease from progressing and spreading throughout the school, the performance of schools is usually as follows:

The address of the school or nursery calls the parents within 24 hours, regardless of whether it is a work or holiday, to a meeting in which it is explained what is the action to continue recommending the preventive treatment that will prevent the possible contagion of the child.

All information in this regard is oral and in writing so that there is no doubt, in addition, a person in charge of the public health center will meet at this meeting to clarify the hundreds of questions parents may have. The corresponding medication is also taken to the centers in order to expedite the treatment, but as we have indicated before, it will always depend on the type of disease and the evaluation carried out by the specialists. As a general rule, treatments are received by children who have been in direct contact with who suffers from the disease, their family environment, teachers, classmates, etc. Although always depending on the disease and the number of affected.

In cases of this type, there are many parents who decide not to take their children to school for fear of contagion, this is something that is understood and although some public health officials advise that children go to school normally, it is Hard to follow this recommendation. The truth is that when an outbreak of a certain disease appears, the school usually receives a thorough cleaning and disinfection to ensure the safety of children, so our fears should dissipate.

Undoubtedly, the place where precautions are most extreme are nurseries and children's classrooms, the reason is that children here are more susceptible to putting objects in their mouths and contact is much greater, so that a certain infection can proliferate more quickly.

Parents must be alert, climate change brings new diseases, we have already known through the media some news about the appearance of certain diseases in places where they had never occurred, food globalization, the movement of people for everything The world and of course climate change are the key factors for this. In the coming years, the protocol for health action and that of schools will be decisive, we should only take a look at the information provided by the Rare Disease Research Institute to realize this.

Video: Thinking about cancer as an infectious disease (July 2024).