A pact between teenagers in the US ends in 17 pregnancies

Seventeen teenagers from a small town with 30,000 inhabitants in the state of Massachusetts, United States they have become pregnant after making a pact for it. The girls agreed to get pregnant to raise their children together.

In order to carry out the complex pact, the students had the help of a 24-year-old beggar who left several of them pregnant. The alarm went off when the director of the school, Joseph Sullivan noticed that the pregnancy rate quadrupled at the one registered annually in the institute.

When asked, some girls said there was a group that was repeatedly trying to have unprotected sex before they turned 16. Many of them had become pregnant and had planned parties and baptisms to celebrate the success of their plan. When they went through the infirmary and were given the news of the pregnancy, they celebrated it with joy and clashes of hands. Gloucester is a fishing town of about 30,000 inhabitants, mostly Catholics, its economy has depended on a strong fishing industry. But in recent years, many jobs have disappeared and with it much of the community media. "Families are broken," says the school superintendent. "Many of our young people are growing aimlessly." A graduate of the institute said she believed because the girls agreed to get pregnant: "They are excited to have someone to love unconditionally."

The United States has experienced an increase in teenage pregnancies in recent years, and most experts blame fiction products, such as movies that show teenage mothers with happy stories.

Via | El País More information | BBC

Video: 17 teenage girls pregnant after making school pact to have babies (July 2024).