The best TED talks of children and adolescents: motivating messages that will inspire your children

TED talks take place around the world and attract the attention of many people. They are conferences that address very varied topics, from technology, art, science, economics or education to parenting, and where the little ones also have their space.

I have selected the ones that I think are the best Ted talks of children and teenagers. They are motivating presentations that you can teach your children with whom they will surely be inspired to see children of their age telling their own experiences of success and passion.

Schedule to learn without limits

Children use the internet differently than we do adults. See other possibilities, such as Antonio García Vicente, a Valladolid boy who programs for his classmates to learn class lessons, and spreads his passion for programming.

How reading expands children's minds

Marieliza Reyes is a Guatemalan girl who tells how her life changed since she started reading. Share your passion for reading and how his world and his dreams expanded thanks to reading. The importance of setting goals and always want to overcome.

In Babies and moreThe 7 best TED talks for parents about parenting

What adults can learn from children

The prodigy girl Adora Svitak says that the world needs a childish thought: bold ideas, wild creativity and, especially, optimism. Children's big dreams deserve high expectations, he says, starting with the will of adults to learn from children as well as to teach. Activate Spanish subtitles.

This is what happens when a 13 year old leaves school

A 13 year old teenager gives a motivating talk of life. Talk about happiness, the future that children aspire to and also about education, the role of school, creativity ... An inspiring reflection that we should all make ourselves.

What if adults and children talk more?

Javier Ochoa, aspiring filmmaker, talks about the importance of communication between adults and children. From his teenage vision, he gives parents a great lesson on how we talk to our children. Very good talk about positive communication for children, but also essential for parents.

Zombies at school: school versus real world

How do teenagers feel when they are in school? Like zombies! A teenager speaks about the need for change educational models so that children feel motivated in school.

Passion for technology: a young 12-year-old developer

Thomas Suarez is a young application developer who has given several talks in different parts of the world and one of the most promising talents in the internet world. He talks about him as the next Steve Jobs. This one that we leave is a talk from a few years ago but it is really motivating to listen to it. You can activate automatic subtitles in Spanish on YouTube.

Triquis children and overcoming through sport

An indigenous basketball group tells its own story of overcoming. Children can see in them an example and how topursuing one's dreams has its reward.

Still getting it

Tavi Gevinson is fifteen years old and is the editor of an online fashion magazine. She defines herself as "a nerd of pop culture." Talk about modern feminism, about accepting oneself and about the messages teenagers receive, which are especially contradictory. Highly recommended.

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting. Julie Lythcott-Haims (May 2024).