, vigilantes for child safety on the Internet

Today we bring to our pages a website that ensures the safety of children on the Internet, This site depends on the Association Action against Child Pornography (ACPI), an NGO that has been operating since 1998 with the objective of fighting against the sexual exploitation of minors, against pornography and child prostitution and sex tourism.

Cyber-guards watch over the safety of minors in the Network, there are more than 1,000 “vigilantes”, of 22 different nationalities, who collaborate with ACPI trying to make the virtual world, which is part of the real world, a safer place for children .

When the “cybercentinels” detect a case of child pornography, they report it to the Protégeles website, which we have also talked about in Babies and more, a line of complaint about child safety on the Internet.

Thanks to the denunciations of entities such as ACPI and Proté several police brigades of Technological Research of different nationalities have achieved detect and block pedophile networks in important operations of which it is increasingly common to hear in the news. In addition, the web helps spread cases of missing children.

Anyway, for the daily lives of our children on the Internet, we must not forget the recommendations for the safety of children on the Internet. Because with our help and supervision the Network can become a very useful training and entertainment tool, far from these dangers that unfortunately are increasingly frequent. Y It can become another help for this task.

Official Site | Cyber ​​Sentinels
In Babies and more | AEMPI, for the safety of our children on the Internet, Cyberfamilies: on minors on the Internet

Video: Cibercentinelas (July 2024).