Dads and moms blogs (CIV)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with 38 years and one day, where this mother explains her initial surprise to learn that a couple of moms are going to have a baby, then moving on to the joy and the mixture of sensations that occur when society advances before the laws.

In A pell, a blog that I have known this week and that I think is highly recommended, we have been able to read an entry dedicated to what they will say, related to pregnancy, childbirth, being a mother and the worry of thinking about what people will be thinking about you.

I found it very curious an entry in We have boobs, where Ileana brings us closer to the world of bonobos, the primates that most resemble us genetically and that prove to be a cooperative species, not very violent and quite given to sex. Unlike many other species, in the bonobos it is the females that carry the singing voice.

In Go, if it's mom!We have known that the oldest nurse in history could be perfectly our grandmother. He was breastfeeding all his life and came to produce two liters of milk daily (I do not tell you the age, if I do not reveal the whole mystery).

In With mother's eyes, where this mom invites us to an interesting reflection on how to educate our children. We know that most of the things that our children learn come from their observation, therefore, from the example we give them. However, because of the education we once received, we often become a bad example for our children. That is why the question is asked: Is it enough to educate by example?

In Building a family, Suu tells us that her little one bites her, and not only her, but has already bitten many women (apparently she selects the “victims”). She comes and goes trying to make him understand that he does not have to bite, because it hurts, but as it usually happens at certain ages, his son understands the matter little (but not for that reason it is necessary to stop explaining it, of course).

In The rumor of the dragonflies We have been able to read the confession of this mother, Noraya, about her birth, explaining that (as most women, I would say), she was little prepared, mentally speaking, for her birth. After that, he has been able to read some books that lead him to conclude that the best preparation for childbirth is trust.

In In tribe We have been able to read an interesting entry about Steinerian pedagogy, better known as Waldorf, in which the most characteristic features of this way of educating children in school are explained.

To finish, in Body aging, we have read an interesting entry about crying. When they are babies, it is recommended that we let them cry from time to time and, when they grow up, parents do not want their children to cry. He tells us about this and explains how he thinks it would be more logical to act before the crying of our children: sustain the crying.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.