Today, World Down Syndrome Day

Today we celebrate, and celebrate, the World Down Syndrome Day with the objective of honor all people born with this syndrome, although unfortunately every time they are less.

As you know, Down syndrome is a genetic alteration characterized by having an extra chromosome, that is, 3 instead of two, in par 21. That is why it is also called Trisomy 21 and we have chosen to choose day 21/3 to celebrate it .

In Babies and more we have talked extensively about this congenital disorder, the main cause of intellectual disability discovered almost a century and a half ago by John Langdom Haydon Down.

The incidence of the syndrome is one in 700 conceptions, but today due to the precise prenatal screening tests and the current Abortion Law, which also extends the period until week 14, fewer and fewer children are born with Down syndrome.

Specifically, 95% of women abort when they learn that they are pregnant with a baby with Down syndrome. It is chilling and of course, I do not judge the free and legal decision of these parents, but I do see the fact that human beings are eliminated because they are "different" are worrisome.

It saddens me that it is believed that people like Pablo Pineda do not deserve to be in this world because they were born with an extra chromosome. I agree that it also means being born with serious health problems, but there are apparently "normal" children who may have them as well. It's my very personal opinion, eye. Of course, I absolutely respect other points of view.

On this special day, from Babies and more we want to pay an affectionate tribute to all children born with Down syndrome and of course to their parents, who when seeing their faces for the first time had no doubt of having done the right thing.

Video: Olivia Wilde Stars in Touching PSA for World Down Syndrome Day (July 2024).