Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

We have made a new review of Dad's different blogs and more, collecting the most interesting that they have published in recent days and we bring it to Babies and more.

We start with that of Pampering and tit, in which they quote us a very interesting article by Dolores García Sánchez, explaining his opinion about the denaturation and the lack of attention that society is putting in the promotion of responsible and adequate parenting. It reflects that, although it seems that we are dedicated to training ourselves in the correct care of our children, the excessive information interested (for economic, political or social reasons) makes it difficult for us to establish an adequate criterion.

In this same blog of Pampering and tit, they leave us two very interesting videos about Bowlby and Harlow's Theory of Attachment.

In the blog of Dad Rabbit, Mom Louse They offer us the author's biographical account when she could not be able to breastfeed her newborn daughter and how she found a way out of the situation with the advice of a virtual friend (internet, I mean). This friend's suggestion in the distance helped doctors detect a physical problem that resulted in not producing the milk needed for breastfeeding but that could have affected her in many more areas.

In Ser Mamá we are presented with a website dedicated entirely to crafts that can help us in the rainy afternoons that sooner or later will have to appear again to play with our children at home. You can find ideas about origami, recycling or artistic disciplines, surely some of them can help you.

Rosario, in his blog of Mom's babiesHe tells us about his theory that the lack of adequate maternal support favors the organization of violent dynamics. It is an interesting reflection and, although I think that violence is something that is present in every human being as another tool for survival, I do not deny that the ability to control it arises from the security we have acquired in our childhood (youth and adolescence, I would add).

Finally Maite, from Guess how much I love you, keep writing in your diary with a sensitivity and vitality that are like a refreshing breeze that helps us spend the summer in a better mood. From this newspaper we have extracted the cover photo. Curious is the attraction that children feel for mirrors.

It would be very interesting if you commented others moms and dads blogs What do you want to share with us? I hope you liked the ones we selected.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).