Having children does some more complicated things, but it makes everything much better

Few things change both our lives and having children. From the change of routine, to the priorities, interests and value of things, having children is a total transformation, in which nothing is ever the same.

Something that happens when we have children, is that we no longer find it easy to do certain activities, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I'll tell you today why having children complicates some things, but makes everything much better.

From the moment we know that a baby is coming, thousands of thoughts flood our minds. Doubts, fears and concerns that we did not know before are present and begin to put a message in our lives: Nothing will be the same.

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Now we have to see not only for ourselves, but also for that little person who is already part of our family and will soon occupy a space in our home and our life.

Some activities become complicated

From pregnancy, we begin to realize that there are certain activities that we can no longer or should do, or that cost more work, because It is no longer just thinking of us, but also of that boy or girl who is on the way.

Then, when our baby is finally born, we must go through that slow and exhausting process of adaptation, in which we will all adjust to a rhythm and lifestyle very different from what we used to know. And it is here, when some things start to get complicated when we have children, well Now we must take into account other things, objects and situations that did not accompany us before.

Take the example of traveling when our children are babies or young children. Before maybe we just thought about a destination, we agreed, we packed a little of our own clothes and took the road to adventure.

Now, we must take into account many things: that the place we go to is safe for our children, that we carry everything they need, that they are in a position to travel, that we pack enough clothes to be prepared for everything, and so on.

Or without going too far: the exits to the street for something as simple as going to the market. If we used to take our purse or purse and shoot out the door, now we must carry other things our child may need while we are away from home.

But also, everything becomes better

It is true. Having children makes some things more complicated to do. But also, it makes everything, absolutely everything, even the most common and everyday experiences of life, become better.

And when you have children, your vision of the world changes in an extraordinary way. You find again that capacity of wonder that you had lost years ago and that gives you an injection of excessive happiness again.

The most common and routine things become adventures full of new discoveries and sensations. Before having children, you could have visited a site a thousand times. But when you come back with them, it's as if you were for the first time, because you learn to see the world through their eyes.

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And what about that illusion that comes back to your life when it comes to magical and fantastic things like Christmas, Santa Claus, the Magi, fairy tales, and all those things that your children crave and that infect you in an impressive way through their faces full of innocence.

With children at home, the mornings are filled with sleepy eyes and disheveled little heads, while the afternoons look flooded with innocent and funny laughs and anecdotes. And at night, you find yourself having conversations that you never thought you had, and that fill your heart with love and joy.

Yes, perhaps having children makes some things more complicated to do. But as parents, we have the opportunity to become children again and see the world as they do. And so, definitely, having children makes everything better.

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