Homemade gum candies

In my house we are not fond of goodies, but for many parents, the desire to eat jelly beans and other sweets for their children becomes a real concern. The teeth are stalked by tooth decay due to excess sugar, but these industrial sweets also carry amounts of dyes and preservatives that it is better not to introduce into the diet, and less in children without need. Logic would dictate not offering children the consumption of these products, but it is not always feasible to achieve it. When they are asked insistently in the end it succumbs. But there are healthier alternatives to buy them in the store: make homemade gum candies.

It is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance, and I think they are a much healthier option for the sweet tooth. Also preparing them is a special moment in which to share an activity with the children and introduce them into the mysteries of the kitchen.

Two envelopes of neutral gelatin and an envelope of flavored gelatin are placed, mixed with water (twice the volume of flavored gelatin) and sugar (triple the volume of flavored gelatin). Everything is cooked ten minutes over very soft heat and stirring. Then it is put in a very lightly greased silicone mold and to the fridge. After twelve hours they are ready to unmold and batter in sugar.

And if we want them more natural we can use fruit juice (orange or mango for example) or pure (strawberries or raspberries), mix it with agar-agar and brown cane sugar. They are a little less sweet but they are delicious and very healthy.

Our homemade gum candies Surely they will be all the rage among children. You are going to love it. To us, who already tell you that we do not eat sweets, we have found them delicious.