Dads and moms blogs (LXXIII)

Today, as every week, we bring you a review with some outstanding content that we have been able to read this week in moms and dads blogs, in a virtual tour of other looks and experiences with babies and children, of those who have children or wish to have them.

I laughed with the story of Myriam Cabanillas, mother of "two wonderful earthquakes" that tells us that it was a wedding and returned sheared. A movidita wedding with children, which will surely keep a good memory. He tells us in his blog Maternity and other demons.

Bren from Argentina also tells us a movidita night, but in another style, in I love being a mom. Surely you feel identified with his "Unforgivable mine", when we do not know what happens to the baby and in the end it turns out to be the most obvious.

These days Entribu it leaves us a tour of the distinctive characteristics of the game, described as a psychological disposition, as a set of observable behaviors or as a context in which characteristic phenomena occur. An interesting perspective from which to approach the game.

Lis of Maternal network He is glad for the news that we gave you a few days ago, when more than ever we mated on the net because it was celebrated that Alma and Habiba no longer sleep separately.

In Learning to be, a blog about parenting with attachment, homeschooling, breastfeeding, its author, which is defined as a "mom, woman, mother, partner, friend ... nothing in particular", tells us the experience of his family as unschoolers or descolarized.

Grow together with art It is the blog of Valentina, a Mexican psychologist in Madrid, passionate about children, which tells us about sexuality in children with an interesting post, Why does the baby have no tail ?, with tips for when the children begin to ask about your sexuality

Finally, we remind you that in the blog about road safety Circle safe They are with the Special Road Education for children and this week they end the series with the post on how this topic works in schools.

This has been ours this week's tour of dad and moms blogs. We hope to continue diving in this interesting ocean of experiences and different perspectives to motherhood and fatherhood, to pregnancy and childhood, to share and learn with all of you.