What is kidney delivery?

Just as a few days ago we talked about dry birth, an expression used for when the bag breaks before contractions, there is also the so-called kidney delivery.

It is not strictly due to a type of delivery or of course to expel the kidneys. The term "childbirth of kidneys" is used to mention labor whose pain when contractions occur is located in the lower back.

It may be due to the position of the baby inside the belly, because her head presses the mother's back, because of the shape of the uterus or simply because the woman has greater sensitivity in the lower back, but does not influence the progress of the birth.

There are women who barely feel pain in the front when a contraction occurs but suffer severe back pain at the height of the kidneys.

It is believed that one third of pregnant women feel this type of pain when giving birth. Some feel excruciating pain that can only calm with epidural anesthesia.

However, recent research ensures that injections of sterile water in the lower back can be effective in reducing the pain of kidney delivery.

They believe they would help relax the area and allow the fetus to be placed in a better delivery position thus reducing emergency caesarean sections and giving more time for the birth to develop naturally.

Many women have had a kidney delivery without even knowing it. Have you had or do you think you had a kidney delivery?

Video: University of Maryland Unmanned Aircraft Used to Complete Kidney Transplant (July 2024).