Decalogue to prevent the spread of influenza A

At the moment, the disease of influenza A is controlled and is overcome without complications in the majority of patients. However, it is good to remember the preventive measures we can take to avoid the disease. Today we bring a Decalogue with recommendations to prevent the spread of influenza A.

The main concern for now is that if the contagion spreads, or if we misuse the emergency services, the health services are overwhelmed and there are many medical leave at work. We already know that we must transmit serenity to the little ones, and here we saw a nice video starring the Sesame Street characters that recommended to children and parents how to prevent the spread of the disease.

10 key points to prevent influenza A

  1. Avoid contact with people who are diagnosed with A / H1N1 flu.

  2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least one minute for effective washing. Pay special attention to the folds and the space between the fingers.

  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and throwing it away. This recommendation is important, since the influenza virus is transmitted through saliva droplets and nasal secretions when coughing or sneezing.

  4. Clean more frequently the surfaces of the furniture, door knobs ... since the micro-drops of saliva and nasal secretions that are expelled when sneezing, coughing or speaking, can remain on the hands and on these surfaces.

  5. You also have to keep the well ventilated rooms to avoid accumulation of suspended particles.

  6. If you are sick, you should avoid contact with other people so as not to spread them. A person with influenza A can transmit the virus one day before the onset of symptoms and up to seven days later.

  7. Avoid greeting by kissing or hugging as well as sharing glasses, cutlery and other objects that may have been in contact with saliva or nasal secretions.

  8. To lead a healthy life avoiding the consumption of alcohol and tobacco contributes to improve the defenses, as well as to maintain a healthy diet in which the fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins abound.

  9. As much as possible we should avoid saturation of emergency services. In the case that we believe that we suffer from these symptoms, we must go to the attending physician, since in principle we are not facing a more complicated case than the seasonal flu. In addition, the Ministry of Health has enabled a citizen assistance telephone: 901 400 100.

  10. Pregnant women do not transmit the virus to their children so if there are pregnancy plans they can be carried out, although we must bear in mind that pregnant women are a risk group: prevention measures must be taken.

Following this Decalogue to prevent the spread of influenza A We will be more safe from getting the disease and that it spreads.

Video: Flu Season: Dr. Francesca Litow discusses the flu at the workplace (July 2024).