The one-year lactation permit, instead of the current nine months, getting closer and closer

Two months ago we were already reporting on the Podemos initiative of extend the lactation permit from the current nine months to the first year of the baby's life.

Now, the proposal is already being processed in Congress, with the consensus of PSOE and Citizens, after presenting all the amendments to the Proposal of the Government Law to guarantee equality of work and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation that would modify the labor legislation. Everything indicates that it will succeed.

Present and future breastfeeding leave

The lactation permit is regulated in article 37.4 of the Workers' Statute, and it is the worker's right to reduce his working day by half an hour at the end of the day, absent one hour, or accumulate this permit in working hours until Your baby turns nine months old.

The Workers' Statute also establishes that the duration of this permit will be proportionally increased in cases of multiple birth, adoption or foster care.

In Babies and more Breastfeeding permit: what it is and what you should consider if you wish to request it

With this Proposal of Law, the duration of the lactation permit would be extended to the first year of the baby's life.

In addition, it is sought that this right of workers be 'duplicable', that is, that the mother and father can enjoy it at the same time, with the aim of favoring co-responsibility in the care of children.

As of Law 3/2012, of July 6, on urgent measures for labor market reform, the lactation permit can be enjoyed by both parents, but not at the same time.

If the proposal was approved, the parents could not be absent one hour from the job as now, only average: the equivalent of 2.5 business days.

But if the mother or father decide to opt for accumulate the hours in whole days, they will be entitled to 17 days against the current 15.

The condition for the enjoyment of this extension of the leave would be that both parents are working.

In Babies and more Do you run out of maternity leave but want to continue breastfeeding? We tell you how to do it and what you should consider

The extension of paternity leave, also under way

PSOE, Podemos and Citizens also agree to increase paternity leave, although not in the way of doing so.

In Babies and more Work confirms that the paternity leave will be eight weeks in 2019
  • PSOE proposes a progressive increase of the permit, going from 10 weeks in 2019 to 16 in 2021.

  • We can pick up in its amendments that next year the parents have four weeks that will be enjoyed continuously after the birth of the baby. The remaining eight will also be enjoyed continuously, but can be enjoyed at a later time, parents can join the work between these two permits. This system is applied equally to the 16 weeks that are planned for 2021, four after delivery and another 12 at the choice of the father and mother.

In Babies and more Pablo Iglesias wants to set an example and three months of paternity leave will be taken to take care of his twins
  • Citizens He has proposed as an amendment the proposed conciliation law that he registered in Congress last July and in which he proposes a permit after the birth of the baby for up to 30 weeks.

Proposal It goes through dividing it into: ten weeks for the mother, ten non-transferable for the father and another ten to distribute between both parents.

In addition, he wants single-parent families or children with disabilities to opt directly at 30 weeks.

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