Give dad a baby carrier

Although some parents still do not dare, they can also discover the pleasure of carrying the baby "in tow." A good idea to convince him is giving him a baby carrier.

In addition to comfort, both for the baby and for the dad, the design of the baby carrier also matters. Therefore, you can give him an elastic scarf specially designed for him by choosing the fabric he likes best. The example of the black we see in the photo is perfect for parents, but there are many more.

The elastic fabric allows it to adapt perfectly to the body of the baby and the dad, and having no brooches or zippers is easier to place simply by crossing the strips on the back.

This type of baby carrier is ideal for small babies, from birth to 9 kilos, and can be used with the baby facing inwards, outwards or loaded on the back.

Surely Dad will look forward to a gift that allows him to have his baby very close when they go for a walk.

The scarf you see in the photo or on the fabric you like the most (there are many designs to choose from) you can purchase for 55 euros.