Why is it so difficult sometimes to educate our children (I)

Dad: Why does that man cross in red? Why did you throw a paper on the floor? Why does that man smoke here? Why has a gum stuck in your shoe? Why not pick up your dog's poop? Why does that car spin without flashing? Why do you shout at the man in that car?

Why did that lady say "asshole"? Why throw a cigarette lit by the window? Why have you spit on the street? Why does that girl pee in the tree? Why don't that child's parents tell him not to hit me? Why that child can strain and I can't? Why have they left a dirty shoe on the street?

Why are there empty potato bags in the sand on the beach? Why does that lady hit her son? Why does a man bleed on TV? Why does the neighbor above scream? Why has this man come forward if he does not touch him yet? Why have your car glass broken and things taken away?

Why does that child take my ball and his parents laugh? Why do we lock the door? Why do you call such gentlemen dressed as TV thieves? Why is that man kneeling on the floor? Why do you need money? Why don't you stop any cars if it's a zebra crossing?

Why yesterday in the demonstration that made a collective Maghreb people looked at them with contempt? Why did a lady say "one bomb and all at once"? Why does that child go in the car with his head out of the window? Why have you taken your bicycle from the garage? Why have they painted the walls of our facade? Why are all those walls painted? Why… ?

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).