"Do you have balls?" Slogan to get sperm donations

With the striking motto of "Do you have balls?" the English authorities have launched a campaign to get more sperm donors. The phrase makes sense because it is going to be displayed primarily in sports clubs that use the balls for their team games.

It is the athletes and fans of Manchester who are being the subject of this campaign that aims to help couples trying to conceive.

This is a local but wide campaign, since posters have already been placed and leaflets are distributed in the 30 most important sports clubs. In addition, the places chosen are strategic, because according to professionals in reproductive medicine, sporting events are a good place to find men who might be willing to donate sperm.

Of course, considering the majority of men who attend these events, and the large number of people, including media, seems logical this repercussion, as well as the colloquial language used to attract attention.

With the sperm donation motto on posters and brochures, the authorities plan to increase this type of donations by 500 more than in previous campaigns.

Although donations are not going to get any gratification in Manchester (except the expenses that may have been caused to the donor for its realization), for a few years their number has been growing.

I think that with this new campaign you can achieve good results if attendees at the sports fields are sensitized to this need for sperm donations for assisted reproduction practice. Receivers for the idea will not be missing.