A multiple birth multiplies parents

Assisted reproduction techniques considerably favor the so-called multiple birth. He Multiple birth It represents a very drastic change in the lives of parents, there is a relationship between the anxiety parents suffer and the attention, education and care of all children. This anxiety grows proportionally to the type of birth, twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.

Undoubtedly the weight of several newborns is noticeable, when breastfeeding, changing, etc. As the little ones grow, so do the obligations, concerns, responsibilities, in short, a whole host of situations that make the parents multiply by four.

Actually the situation of stress and physical exhaustion is remarkable, only who knows that situation knows. To this we must add the financial outlay, this can be doubled, tripled ... in short you have to cope with the situation and see the positive side. Something basic is the organization and for this, nothing better than a notebook in which to write down everything related to the little ones, be they vaccinations, visits to the pediatrician, food, any data that should be taken into account and that helps the parents' memory to correctly perform the necessary tasks related to children.

The parents' moments of rest must be really short spaces of time and there is no doubt that they will try to make the most of it, this is totally necessary if you want to properly attend to the little ones.

If you have had a multiple birth, we would like you to share your experience with us and explain to us what your day to day life is like with your children.

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