Do not approach strangers to my baby

I imagine that I am not the only one it bothers him that strangers get too close to the baby. In general, I am not friends with the trusts that unknown people take with me, especially if they are (incomprehensibly to me) effusive.

But if it is the baby they approach, and my mammalian soul pulls the claws and I get tense and defensive ... I do not know what happens, but I think that this person has a virus, that carries dirty hands, that at baby will dislike your smell, your voice ...

Surely it will be healthier and neater than a rose, but I try to escape as I can from pampering and cuchi-cuchis that, if at first I believed justified by my bad memory (what will I know?), Now I understand that there are people who, with good intention, feel weakness for babies.

So politely I try to put face of circumstances and my answers are sharp, enough for them to see that I am not going to give them conversation. I also tear the baby away a little, and ... oh, how rushed I am ...!

The same thing happens to me with the children of the park. Some have no qualms about trying to put their hands (these yes, visibly dirty) in the mouth or eye, or try to kiss the baby or talk to him spitting in the face. In this case it is easier for them to stop.

Because like my oldest daughter, who also feels a weakness for babies, I explain that the little ones we don't know can't be touched, and they look at them and talk from afar. Because they carry dirty hands and babies are fragile, they need to rest and cannot be shouted at.

What do you want to say the same to the elders ... Do not approach, touch or kiss unknown babies. And, judging by the faces of some babies, they must be thinking the same ...