Kids on a bike, always with a helmet

Cycling is one of the activities that children enjoy the most. It is healthy and pleasant, but it is important that you do it safely. Therefore, the kids on a bike, whether they drive or go as passengers, they always have to wear a helmet.

The use of a helmet reduces the risk of serious head injuries in the event of an accident. The figures are convincing enough. Wearing the helmet decreases the risk of head and brain injury by 63-88%, and the risk of death is 26% lower.

Of course, in addition to using it, it must be used correctly. To fulfill its protective function, it must be well placed, be the right size and weight and be in perfect condition.

The protective capacity of the helmet is based on absorbing part of the energy, distributing it on a larger surface, and increasing the transfer time.

According to Law 43/1999, its use is mandatory in interurban roads, however, and more so in the case of children, the DGT recommends its use even in urban roads.

Let's look at some recommendations on the use of the case:

  • It must be homologated. This means that it must be durable, of reduced weight, well ventilated, easy to remove and put on, must allow its use with glasses and not interfere with the ability to hear traffic noise. It must also offer a viewing angle of at least 105º to the left and right, an angle of 25º up and 40º down.
  • It must not have blows. In that case you have to replace it. The case must be in perfect condition to be effective.
  • It must be the right size. If it has remained small, it must be changed; It doesn't have to be lazy either. It should fit perfectly on the child's head, without tightening, that it is comfortable but firm.
  • It must be well placed. It should fit over the top of the head and cover the upper part of the forehead placed one or two fingers above the eyebrows. The side straps have to be tight and the buckle on the chin. The helmet should not move either sideways or forward and backward.
  • Finally, remember that parents should set the example by also wearing the helmet.

It is important to encourage that children on bicycles always go with a helmet . The bike rides are to be enjoyed safely and the use of the helmet is a measure that we have on hand to make it happen.