The ten most common myths about fertility

We all know that in the world of motherhood, pregnancy and education of children everyone thinks, and it is not something that seems wrong to me, the problem is that not everything that is told is true and if we add our tendency to believe ourselves what certain people tell us for the mere fact of being who they are and without having to prove anything.

In the end we end up with a cloud of dreams, mythological beings and other stories not to sleep that in the end only confuse. Here we have compiled ten of the most common myths about fertility that you can find and that surely more than one will have told you.

Good health is a sign of good fertility

Unfortunately, if this were true, it is very likely that you and I were not here and would have died out centuries ago. Although good health will help us in pregnancy and throughout our lives, it will not make us more fertile or prevent the passage of time, which in the end is what most affects fertility.

The fertility curve begins to decline at 35

According to gynecologists, the curve really begins to decline much earlier, over 20 years. The problem is that most couples in today's society do not think of having children at such early ages, which does not mean that the clock keeps running.

Infertility is an exclusive problem for women

Clear evidence that we continue in a macho society that accumulates responsibility for everything that has to do with children about women and that masculine belief that links the ability to spread the seed throughout the world with the masculinity of each one. It is still a bar bar conversation topic.

According to him Dr. Benjamin Rivnay, vice president of Repromedix, a fertility laboratory in Woburn, Massachusetts, says that problems of this type are distributed at 40% for both sexes and 20% is usually a problem of compatibility between the couple.

Daily sex helps conception

Practicing sex every day can be fun, but also very stressful and not necessary. The sperm can live an average of two days keeping their abilities intact and the most fertile days of women are usually between 12 and 16 after the arrival of menstruation.

Having taken the pill can reduce fertility

There is no scientific evidence of this, in fact the pill is usually also prescribed to patients with problems in their cycle or in cases of endometriosis that do affect fertility.

Conception only occurs during ovulation

Dangerous myth this. Many women believe that maintaining unprotected relationships before their ovulation is safe, the problem is that the sperm are very resistant boys and determined to do the work for which they were created, causing the stork to arrive earlier than expected.

Stress causes infertility

Here you have to take into account the level of stress. Normal levels of stress (here it would be necessary to study what are normal levels) does not affect fertility, but elevated levels can be a determining factor. Keep in mind that high levels of stress if they can affect the maintenance of sexual activity, you know "no sex, no fun".

The conception is easier from the first

It is not something assured, it is possible that I can help slightly but having conceived once, especially beyond 40, I could cause the uterus to not be able to shelter another baby or cause problems in the ovaries.

Ovulation happens around day 14

The average duration of a woman's cycle is 28 days, but that does not indicate that all women present these cycles, in fact there are many women whose cycles are 21 or 35 days. But even in those women with 28-day cycles, ovulation does not have to be in the central cycles. It is convenient to use methods that can help women know how their cycle is and which days are the ones that are most likely.

You cannot get pregnant during the period

While there are cases where it is true, it is not something that can be taken as true. As we mentioned in the previous point, each woman is different and can ovulate in one day or another of the cycle, therefore it is possible that during the period the ovum and sperm may decide to stay together for life.

If you thought some of the above points as true, don't worry, they come from a survey done in the United States of more than 12,000 women in which JUST ONE He answered all questions correctly.