Natural remedies to relieve headache in pregnancy

Headache is one of the typical discomforts of pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, although some suffer from it during pregnancy. Before resorting to drugs to treat it, we tell you some Natural remedies to relieve headache in pregnancy.

But first let's talk about its causes. The great hormonal changes that occur at the beginning of pregnancy, coupled with the increase in the volume of blood circulation and the decrease in blood glucose contribute to the appearance of a very intense and characteristic headache that is concentrated on both sides of The head and neck.

In women who previously suffered headaches on a regular basis, these are accentuated in pregnancy, while others suffer for the first time.

Let's see then, some Natural tips to relieve headache in pregnancy.

  • Make several meals a day to avoid lack of sugar.
  • Perform moderate exercise to improve blood circulation.
  • Rest in a dark room, away from the light.
  • Place cold packs on the forehead or in places where there is pain.
  • Lie on the left side, to facilitate blood circulation.
  • Massages: press those points of the head where there is pain (temples, inner part of the eyes, neck, etc.)
  • Rest and sleep well is essential to not have a headache during pregnancy
  • Take a shower or a bath with warm water. Steam helps to decongest the airways, sometimes the cause of headaches.
  • Ventilate the house, let fresh air in.
  • Drinking liquids: staying hydrated is essential to avoid migraines.

In any case, if headaches in pregnancy They are very intense and do not remit after the first trimester of pregnancy, it is convenient to consult the doctor because it could be a symptom of preeclampsia, a serious complication in pregnancy characterized by an increase in tension.

Video: Acupressure : Acupressure for a Headache While Pregnant (May 2024).