Earrings yes, earrings no

Some time ago we talked long and hard in Babies and more about the decision to put or not to put the girls, and today I rescue him because these days there is talk in my city about the issue of earrings because now we have to pay to put them.
I explain myself: as you will know, health in Catalonia is caught with tweezers, so caught with tweezers that things that were previously entered by social security are being eliminated, now becoming paid. Putting the earrings on the girls, in the Hospital of my city, costs about 30 euros, when before there was no need to pay for it.
This has caused a debate about the need or need to make girls pending and how ethical or unethical it is to do so. I always say the same thing: everyone who does what they want with their daughters, but if I had one I wouldn't put them on.

“What nonsense, nobody remembers that moment”

Many people usually answer this when they are told that you hurt them with the earrings. The reality is that it is true, nobody remembers it. However, this does not make it an argument to take into account, because premature babies from their stage in the incubator are not remembered either, and yet the protocols are aimed at hearing little noise, having low light and generally receiving few unnecessary stimuli and spend a lot of time with your parents.

Babies do not remember the pain of the heel prick (the heel test, it is called colloquially) and yet they do not stop doing studies looking for the method that helps babies suffer less and cry less time.
What's more, we spent the day talking in Babies and more of the importance of giving security and affection to our children and of listening to their crying and their complaints, attending to them, and it turns out that when they are 10 years old they will not remember how fast we went when they were babies and cried.

On the other hand, some say that the earrings hardly hurt, because there are babies who do not cry or complain. It is true, some babies do not complain, but not because it does not hurt, but because they are not yet mature enough to express pain or crying, despite suffering.

Let's say that neurologically they are so immature, that many babies feel pain, but the logical response does not arrive (or takes time to arrive) because the message “pain” in the brain takes time to cause the complaint reaction in the baby.

Why then avoid unnecessary evils?

Well, for a very simple reason: out of respect for the integrity of babies as people. Because even if they forget, they suffer and because they don't remember something, it doesn't give us the right to do with them, who are people, whatever we want. In addition, they may not remember a specific fact (I remember the night of November 12, when you let me cry), but many bad times can do, without being reminded of any of them, that a child grows up with a strange feeling of discomfort ( I don't remember anything, but I know I wouldn't like to go through a childhood again.)

But putting a pair of earrings is not for much, right?

Returning to the issue of earrings, it is certainly not the worst thing in the world that can be done to a girl, but it is to hurt her (and I say my opinion) for a cultural and unnecessary issue. It is to pierce your earlobes simply to adorn them with a bright object. It is to make a piercing in each ear with few days of life. Because, for example, I like the earring in the nose more than in the ears. What would happen if I had a daughter and had a nose piercing with 3 days of life?
What's more, it is now fashionable for boys to also wear earrings. What would happen if my next child made an earring on each ear to make it fashionable? Well, I tell you, if I put a piercing on a daughter of mine in the nose they would tell me everything but pretty, that poor girl, that where I'm going, that I have gone out of style, that she will be hooked with anything, that that hole will always be noticed, that ... and if it is a child and I make it pending, they will tell me that how silly to spend the money to put them on to a child, that it is unnecessary, that if he wants to get older, he will look like little girl.
Well, as a girl differs from a boy in many more things than in the earrings (I don't think I need to make a list, right?), It seems to me just as unnecessary to make a boy outstanding than a girl so I understand that there are those who want to follow a tradition that involves hurting babies to put shiny little things on their ears, but I would never. If anything, when she grew up, let her do it whenever she wanted.