Smoking during pregnancy, irresponsibility or need?

Nowadays most women know the problems that smoking can generate during pregnancy, such as having an abortion or giving birth prematurely, causing alterations in the fetus such as being born with little weight, suffering certain congenital anomalies or having sudden death in the first days ...

However, in developed countries, between 13% and 25% of women smoke during pregnancy. That percentage is also increasing among pregnant women from low or middle income countries.

Leaving tobacco during any stage of our life is difficult and many experts point out that it is not just about willpower and complementary help is needed in many cases.

The figures say that many women manage to quit smoking, although after giving birth it is also easy to relapse. 50% of smokers return to smoking six months after giving birth, and a year later the figure rises to 80%.

If all pregnant women quit smoking in the United States, the number of lifeless births would be reduced by 11% and the number of deaths of newborn babies by 5%, according to estimates by the country's Public Health Service.

There is no exact amount of cigarettes that is safe during pregnancy. The more a pregnant woman smokes, the greater the risk to her baby of being born underweight. Even if the woman fails to quit smoking in the first or second trimester, if she does during the third, her baby's development can improve.

That is to say, it is recommended to stop smoking as soon as possible, even better if done before getting pregnant (among other things, the chances of getting pregnant will increase if you don't smoke).

But is it so easy to quit? Well it depends on each person, for some it is a simple step but for others it is very difficult or impossible.

Do pregnant women who smoke, are irresponsible or are victims of addiction? It will also depend on the cases: if the pregnant woman is aware of the damage and does not give them importance, or does not do enough to stop smoking, we talk about irresponsibility. If you are unable to quit, we talk about being victims of a need and need help.

Of course, there is also the case of those women who smoke from ignorance, who lack the necessary information.

Tips to quit smoking during pregnancy

Specialists recommend that women stop smoking before becoming pregnant and do not smoke during pregnancy and the postpartum period. If we have this problem, the doctor can refer the woman to an adequate smoking cessation program or suggest other ways to quit smoking, rather than saying that of “A few cigarettes are better than the anxiety that quit smoking would produce”.

In some places different methods are promoted so that, in the different prenatal visits, it helps to stop smoking the pregnant woman.

In addition, we have to think about the baby and all the damage we can do to him: we must tell ourselves that we are trying for him, and highlight every achievement.

Exercising during pregnancy will reduce the urge to smoke and brings us many benefits. It can also turn out to always have healthy snacks of fruit or vegetables that are especially appealing to reduce anxiety.

Let us demand those around us not to smoke, making them partakers of our effort and asking for understanding and support.

Will I be able to quit smoking during pregnancy?

We have to think so to face the task from optimism and willpower. Studies suggest that certain factors increase the likelihood that women will quit smoking During pregnancy:

  • Have tried to quit smoking in the past
  • Have a partner who does not smoke
  • Have the support of family or other important people in your life
  • Know the harmful effects of tobacco

On some of these factors we cannot influence, but on others the institutions (through information to women, training of professionals ...) and the family (support for women) have a certain responsibility.

Personally I did not see myself in the case of needing to quit smoking, because, although I was a smoker, the nausea was a great help, I only began to feel dislike of tobacco smoke (and many other smells ...). So I didn't need to seek help, and I really don't know if gynecologists offer effective alternatives.

But not all pregnant women are the same and as we have said only 20% of women quit smoking during pregnancy. Surely, like me, you know the cases of women who claim that their gynecologist told them that cigarettes are better than anxiety.

In short, during the months of gestation it is a topic of vital importance for the health of the mother and the fetus, and there are information campaigns to abandon this habit, although I am not sure that they exist sufficient aid for women who find it hard to quit In many cases not enough information.