Road safety activity book

Although the best road education we can give to the little ones is the example, the day to day in our cities and roads, we can also use work and consultation materials so that the little ones can entertain themselves learning road education.

The Royal Automobile Club of Spain, RACE, offers some materials to teach small concepts of great value, a notebook of activities that we can download and print, with exercises to show how they should drive on the street, go in the vehicle, or ride a bike

How to be a safe pedestrian, travel by public transport, go by car, environmental issues, traffic signs ... are some of the contents of this booklet in which there are coloring exercises, finding mistakes, joining the dots ...

The purpose of the notebook is to serve children to reinforce safe habits in their relationship with traffic, both in their role as pedestrians and in bus and car travelers, as well as in the bicycle driver.

Parents are advised to help the child and participate in the development of road safety activity notebook, as this reinforces learning. Recall that if they assimilate these concepts from an early age, older people will be safer pedestrians, drivers and passengers.

Official Site | RACE In Babies and more | Circulating, road safety portal for families, Road education, basic rules for children, Teaching road education to children of two and three years, Road education materials for children

Video: Road Safety Rules and Tips for kids of Kindergarten,Preschoolers,Toodlers (July 2024).