The best children's films: 'James and the giant peach'

We approach another wonderful story titled 'James and the Giant Peach' which was directed in 1996 by Henry Selick, based on the splendid homonymous book of Roald Dahl.

It is an animated film made in stop motion, with articulated dolls that gave such a good result to its producer, nothing less than Tim Burton in 'Nightmare before Christmas'. In this well-known story we enjoy an animation technique with characters created with a certain tone surreal, but it conveys very well the essence of the original book the great Roald Dahl, a classic of children's literature.

In 'James and the giant peach' we will find a great film that will surely attract the little ones visually, for its excellent and striking technical invoice, but also thanks to the beautiful story.

What counts

We know the story of James, a boy of about seven years who has remained orphan, after the sad loss of their parents. He is forced to live with his aunts. Which are presented as repulsive, mean and selfish. They are cruel and James lives a hell with them, longing for their parents, living very lonely and sad.

But then, thanks to his enormous imagination and an encounter with a strange character his life suddenly changes. Thus, thanks to a peach that grows non-stop and becomes giant, James enters it and begins an adventure full of amazing characters. His new friends provide him with a new way of happiness and he no longer feels alone or unhappy.

We like it because ...

The whole movie is a display of imagination. Visually it is a real wonder, with a very traditional animation method and a style with that surreal touch that fits perfectly into the story.

The overflowing imagination of the film is ultimately the salvation for the sad life of the young protagonist, who lives an adventure full of special and magical moments.

Special mention requires the soundtrack, which spreads all the film and the musical numbers, giving it a great show and a positive and optimistic air that is spread.

Values ​​transmitted by 'James and the giant peach'

Although the film freely adapts the original story, changing some details, the truth is that the background and moral Yes they remain intact. It is a story about the value of the friendship, a song to the children's imagination, very optimistic despite the fact that it starts from a sad beginning because of James's situation.

Despite what grotesque In some situations and characters (which follow the personal style of Tim Burton), the film demonstrates how friendship and love are values ​​as important as family. The protagonist, without his parents, feels lost, but finds values ​​with which to move forward and escape from his horrible aunts.

Recommended from 4-5 years

In the case of a children's classic it is appropriate for any age, although although it is true that the grotesque and surreal touch with some darker moments, make it more appropriate for children from four or five years.

It is a very entertaining movie, full of imagination and with which to enjoy the adventure of the young protagonist.