Singing (and dancing) with children improves their hearing development

Lately we bring many studies that focus on demonstrating the progress in the development of the baby with daily activities that serve as stimuli. In this case we talk about sing to children and improve auditory development.

Recent Finnish research shows that, beyond formal music education, which has a positive effect on the plasticity of neurons, a musical experience as simple as listening to songs and / or playing dancing from an early age is also very beneficial.

The study, published in the "European Journal of Neuroscience", consists of an experiment with 31 children aged two and three at the same daycare center. On the one hand, they measured the hearing abilities of the children through an electroencephalogram that, among other issues, evaluated their ability to discriminate sounds.

At the same time, they asked parents about the musical activities they usually performed at home. The results showed that greater informal musical activity at home (especially joint songs, but also dancing or improvised instrument games) was related to better results in terms of acoustic sensitivity or the detection of changes in sounds.

And if we consider that we are not good singers, that we don't have rhythm or intonation, we don't have to worry. The authors, scientists from the University of Helsinki, point out that the parents' musical skills didn't seem to influence In this association. And if you have doubts, here we leave you a lot of activities with music for children.

The results suggest that the informal musical experience could facilitate or accelerate the development of very important auditory functions in childhood, perhaps important to favor the subsequent development of auditory skills for the linguistic learning process.

In any case, since it was not possible to establish a causal relationship between these factors, the researchers demand more studies on the subject.

There is no excuse not to sing, play and dance with the children since we were kids. Apart from the fact that these activities contribute to the auditory development of the little ones, such as recreational activities that are will make them have a great time and strengthen the ties with the family.