Obesity is the next goal of health campaigns

Recently we published what is happening with obesity in the world and we have also seen that television begins to send messages with the intention that we all pay attention to physical activity and avoid sedentary lifestyle. I remember that in Spain, obesity (measured as the percentage of people with a BMI greater than 25 kilograms per square meter) of men, passes in ten years from 56% to 58% and in women the percentage goes from 46% to 50%. In other countries of the world, such as North America, the figures are more chilling because it goes from 66% to 73% in women and from 66% to 74% in men.

It also seems that we are losing our perception since childhood and we are not able to maintain the benefits of the Mediterranean diet replacing breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinners with high-calorie products and we have difficulties to recover the excitement of taking the children for a walk, to run, jump and make physical exercise something routine. We have to be careful because we run the risk of having a distorted perception of reality and end up accepting obesity.

So the big brands of soft drinks are being forced to react after, for example, they have been forced to withdraw the sale of large-format soft drinks. And they encourage us to get up from the couch and consume low-calorie products.

Of course, you don't have to become obsessed with thinness and diet that, on the other hand, seems to impose a world that promotes beauty and body. At balance we will have to position ourselves and it will be necessary to consolidate good eating habits, fight against sedentary lifestyle by exercising with the kids, encouraging them to have a routine of action and to pamper them with judgment and dedication.

Meanwhile, the big food brands are no stranger to this behavior and will soon encourage us to change customs to be healthier and to consume their products designed to respond to that need. In Spain we should not have it so difficult although the figures show a trend of growth in recent years. So maybe it's time to recover the Mediterranean diet concept which imposes a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating, regular exercise and a quiet life. We must try that at home we use fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes, in addition to meat and fish and olive oil as fat.

I am convinced that healthy life actions will continue to impact the media and we will have to be alert to stop and change the trend in the future. At home, education for children is essential so you have to start since you are very young.

Video: Campaigns against childhood obesity - Boston Children's Hospital - Top 20 Health Challenges (May 2024).