Do you know why it is important for children to learn to think?

I think it is important that children learn to think, that is, they exercise the kind of thinking that allows them to make decisions and develop their critical spirit. The kids also think when they analyze a situation, when they classify, when they decipher, when they summarize ...

In my opinion, thought would play an important role in that well-known phrase that tells us 'Knowledge will set you free ...' and I would add '... and will help you make decisions'. Because in my opinion One of the most important functions of thinking is the ability to differentiate from others, choose options and assume the outcome of our choices.

Who teaches to think? Within our educating function, the family should also assume this part, and must do so for two reasons: first (and with exceptions - I don't know if many or few -) the school does not teach think, and secondly: don't we care that our children know how to think for themselves? The thought It also helps to act more rationally in new, disconcerting or stressful situations., that is, a priori, learning to think can only bring good things to our children.

The reasons stated above should be valid for anyone, and motivate parents to take an interest in this to teach children. But if we still have few arguments, there are those who say that they have more chances of success in life when they know how to think well. And this is because the ability to analyze and deepen are valued in many jobs.

One of the main obstacles that children can find today to think (and that will clash frontally with our good intentions) is the absence of adequate conditions (tranquility, few inappropriate stimuli, etc.). Although the excess of 'obligations' that plague our children (extracurricular activities, sports, many hours in school, etc.) does not help much..

We all hear this phrase 'what do you have your head for?', Indeed we all have brains, but don't you think that the little ones should be offered a good guide so that that little head works satisfactorily for them and also for those around them ?.

Making decisions consistent with the personal situation, and acting intelligently are two benefits that children can get when they learn to think. This could lead to a more positive personality.

What is teaching to think?

Don't believe that I have a magic wand, but I assure you that with dedication and perseverance children can learn from you very important lessons. Although as I have said on many occasions, we are models for them, therefore we must exercise thinking and decision making regarding our own lives, in order to set an example.

At home we can encourage our children to reason, and we must allow them to make decisions (even when we expect negative results). As they grow up they are better able to choose and take responsibility for their actions, we cannot deny them the experience of growing in this regard.

One way to get different ideas raised is to ask them about current events, about the inappropriate behaviors (or not) of children and adults that we know, we can also ask them to propose solutions to domestic or global problems. But beware! Because it is very easy to offer solutions, as easy as inappropriate if we want them to learn to think.

In family education it should be mandatory for parents to think and teach how to do it

Reading stimulates thinking because recreates situations that require a solution, and poses different scenarios, which can serve as tools for children in the future. Therefore, everyone to read, in Peques and Más you have many recommendations to bring reading to your children, you just have to look for them.

It also helps to offer a good guide so that mistakes do not frustrate you, but motivate them to overcome themselves, and children should not compare (and this they do because of our fault) with others, but value their own potential.

Children should be shown appreciation for their own thinking, even if it differs from what they know. Do you know the satisfaction of reaching your own conclusions without anyone dragging you?

It is ultimately about spending more time with children, prioritizing dialogue and reading over electronic entertainment. They will be very satisfied to learn to think, and you, twice as proud.

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Video: Why teachers teach but kids dont learn. Ben Richards. TEDxYouth@Haileybury (July 2024).