KIDS.CSIC: the platform to bring science to children

Surely more than one you have seen this morning on television to school-age children exposing their experiences with science in a meeting organized by the Higher Council for Scientific Research and the BBVA Foundation.

It is not an isolated act since the aforementioned entities develop a statewide program that establishes a collaboration between researchers and teachers with the aim of introducing the teaching of science from the early stages of education.

As a mother I can celebrate that they have implemented a platform with movies, stories, games, etc. designed to convey in a pleasant way the complexity of scientific concepts.

Science has its own nature that makes it different from other disciplines, since it is based on the independence of criteria and creativity. Therefore, science constitutes a culture, with its special way of seeing the world, its values, its procedures, and its language

We talked about KIDS.CSIC, which has several sections aimed at awakening the love for science, bringing scientific culture closer to families, and disseminating the participation of the schools most involved in the program.

You will also find guides for teachers and families, the section 'friendly websites', and above all many contents to facilitate your children their first contacts with science.

Video: TrexoRobotics exoskeleton for children (July 2024).