Summary of the week from June 12 to 18 in Peques and More

I return after seven days to tell you the summary of the entries that during this time we have published in Peques y Más. It is very hot (well, sometimes), but that does not take away the desire to inform and give good advice to parents of children from five to 12 years.

I think I should start with all the issues related to vacations, heat, and the precautions that we must take in order to ensure that children pass a fun leisure time, but also safe. For us it is important to remember that children (even when they grow up) must have supervision by parents or responsible adults, while enjoying the water. And also it is, to offer advice to cope with high temperatures with common sense, in order to preserve the health of the whole family. And if we talk about safety, prevention, recommendations, etc.. I must stop (even at the risk of changing the subject), fathers and mothers should be able to educate children in a responsible use of the Internet, and also reflect on the consequences that (for children) may have exposure to pornography (mainly through the use of the network).

But, let's return to that summer that is not yet on the calendar, although we already feel, we have collected a fantastic hosting idea in tipis that will delight children, and (perhaps) you too; and we loved that Godwuana Experiences recommends traveling with children.

And if during the long rest of the children, we cannot go on vacation, we will bring our readers some ideas to enjoy with family, an example are the Tollabox; and another, the reading of García Lorca's poems for children.

And, of course you can go to the cinema (in Peques and Más we will go to 'The Man of Steel'), take advantage of some of the guided cultural tours of Turiart (like this one through the streets of Sagunto), visit Dinópolis with the combined tickets of RENFE, play with the new application of the Glumpers, or tour museums ... how about the Prado ?, also now have a guide for iPad ideal for family.

Of course, never forget sunscreen, or explain to children why it is important. Perhaps this application of Isdin helps us with this task. And keep in mind that pets are part of the family ... don't abandon them.

On the other hand, in our blog we loved talking about the fun day that - for children - has organized the TEDx Valencia on June 22. But we not only have this option to spend saturday, because we can read with DeCuentos, learn more about chess with the new work of Leontxo García, and come to see Cover the Cover's in Susanita's Little Gallery.

We have also collected occasional curiosity: the invention to become 'invisible' by John Howell, and the video of 'I am a chien', in which we are shown human behaviors that resemble those of other animals, entertaining and fun to see with children.

Before saying goodbye, I want to tell you that on the appointed day, we do not forget Child Labor, and we wanted uncover the reality of domestic work carried out by children around the world.

And now yes: have fun, protect yourself from heat, get wet a lot, and if you travel by car, you know that you can eliminate allergens with the Valeo filter.