And Snow White was a mother and her prince turned out not to be blue

"And they were happy and ate partridges," says the end of the stories. However, it seems that not everything always ends as one expects and that the stories end up having little reality, because one thing is what one wants to happen and another what ends up happening.

Snow White believed that he would be happy forever with his prince, but as we see in this photo, made by the artist Dina Goldstein, his no prince charming He hasn't been able to get up to smile at the camera, busy holding his beer and getting his legs out of the cushion while watching sports.

Surely the conclusions reached by each or every one will be very different, so I don't want to say much about the subject, although something more literal comes to mind, something more "what the movies tell children and what is then real life, "and when I say movies I also say television series, that I know more than one teenager wishing to go to the United States to study convinced that there he will find what he sees in the fiction series: beautiful boys and girls all day singing and dancing, very colleague all of them and with problems that are resolved in fifteen minutes with great sense of humor.

No, that this is not real life, that the blue princes do not exist, that the one in the photo says it all, that it looks like an unemployed prince that scares, but that some men are worth it, I say. The key is to stop looking for the blue prince, put your feet on the ground and start to be clear that even when you feel like being happy, life is not easy.

I do not say more because, as I say, I prefer that everyone draw their own conclusions after a few seconds or minutes watching the scene carefully. It goes a long way, I think.

By the way, the photo is part of a series of images created by the same author who has entitled "Fallen Princesses", and shows Disney princesses in scenes that could occur anywhere in the world today. To stand a while also in the image of Beautiful, in full operation of cosmetic surgery to remain beautiful, and in the Rapunzel, hairless, fighting cancer.

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Video: CINDERELLA vs BELLE: Princess Rap Battle Sarah Michelle Gellar & Whitney Avalon (July 2024).