Christmas recipes for pregnant women: Pears wrapped in puff pastry with surprise filling

A delicious sweet, with a good presentation and above that hides a surprise, can you think of something more palatable? This Christmas recipe for pregnant women is to succeed. Pears wrapped in puff pastry with surprise filling.

To make them we have taken advantage of some puff pastry cuts that we had left of another preparation and that we have gathered and stretched to make the wrapping of our dessert today. As for the surprise filling, you can use custard, whipped cream, chocolate truffle or whatever you like.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 2 Conference pears, 1 piece of puff pastry, 1 egg yolk, custard for filling, pomegranate and peppermint for decoration

How to make pears wrapped in puff pastry with surprise filling

We peel the pears leaving the tail, so that it is recognized what fruit it is although then we present it wrapped. So that the puff pastry is well attached, we try dry the pears leaving them on paper towels well absorbent

With a heartbreaking we remove the center of the pear as when we roasted apples, but without removing the pear from the pear, only half, to remove the pipes and the bottom. We stretch the puff pastry plate and cut it into strips one cm wide.

We wrap the pears carefully, starting at the peduncle and circling around to cover the entire piece of fruit. With a silicone brush, we varnish the pears with egg yolk so that they are then golden brown and crispy in the oven.

When they are cooked and browned, we take them out of the oven and let them cool slightly before proceeding to introduce the surprise filling. We present our dessert garnished with pomegranate pomegranates and some mint leaves.

Processing time | 20 minutes Difficulty | Half


These pears wrapped in puff pastry with surprise filling They are a very satiating dessert due to the presence of the puff pastry and the cream of the filling, so with 1/2 pear we have enough for each diner. For that reason with two pears we have calculated for four people.

Video: "The Imbible: A Spirited History of Drinking". Talks at Google (July 2024).