They implant the baby check in the towns of Malaga, but with conditions

A few years ago the government established the universal baby check with which every woman who had a baby was entitled to receive 2,500 euros. It did not last long, and the crisis uncovered the check disappeared and the following parents were left without help. Now, without any benefit from the state, with increasingly precarious jobs and ridiculous salaries for the cost of living, birth is falling into forced marches.

This is also happening in populations with few inhabitants, and I focus mainly on the villages, where most people are of medium and advanced age and where many years, many years ago, they do not see a baby. In Malaga they wanted to lend a hand and they are going to implant a baby check of 1,000 euros for any family resident in a town of less than 5,000 inhabitants that has a baby, although with some conditions.

Maximum income, 12,000 euros per year

These conditions are the income received by the family, which should not exceed 12,000 euros per year, that is, 1,000 euros per month, without extra payments and that is what the sum of all family members receives. By this I mean yes, there will be families living with that, but I don't know if they will be very much for the work of start expanding the family for the mere fact of receiving 1,000 euros of aid.

Work, that's what the population needs. A job that offers some security (not eventual) to be clear that you will not have a baby and you will be fired a week later. I work, in order to have the certainty that every month money will come in and that tomorrow, or next year, you will not see yourself with one more child and little or nothing to put in your mouth.

I don't know if for 1,000 euros, which only solve a few months, couples will decide to have a child, or have one more child. That is appreciated, beware, but of course, it is intended for families who charge very little money, and if you encourage them to have offspring those who have less resources then to take care of it, because perhaps the solution is not so much.

New plan to support families and youth

The measure is part of a plan to support families and young people, for which 1.2 million euros will be invested. In addition to the baby check, assistance is provided for transportation in Secondary Education and Vocational Training in rural areas, for students in non-regulated subjects such as languages ​​or computer science, aid and support for minors and young people with disabilities and specialized care for teenage mothers.

And I insist, it is to praise that means and money are dedicated for social purposes. I wish more governments will take note and create new aid for their populations, which in many places are tremendously desolate, but pretending to increase the birth rate by giving little help (which 1,000 euros do not give much when we talk about raising a baby) can be a double-edged sword, if then those families, as I said, They don't have enough resources to push forward.

I dont know, What do you think about it?

Video: El mayor acto de generosidad. Fernando Segura. TEDxMalagueta (July 2024).