What color will our baby's eyes be ?: two online tools

The eyes, which are nothing more than two organs whose mission is to capture information from outside to tell us what we have in front of us, are at the same time the place where the rest of the people look the most when they turn to one and, perhaps for that reason, their color It has been gaining importance for some people. There are browns, which are the majority, there are blues, which evoke poems related to the sea and the desire to get lost in them and there are greens, rare, but very striking for that reason.

Actually there are more colors, many more, but if we were to the basics we would summarize them in those three colors, and many parents wonder what color their baby's eyes will be. It is very difficult to know, because crystal balls that work are not yet in supermarkets, but it is possible to know the chances that our son has blue, brown or green eyes, and for this we show you below online tools They will give us that information.

There is online calculators They ask us what our eye color is and what our couple's eye color is. They are very basic and easy calculators and that's why I don't link you to any of them. In return, I put directly a table that tells us exactly the same as those calculators: the chances that our children have the eyes of one color or another based on the color of our eyes and our partner.

As you can see, with a simple quick glance you have the result. The order of the father and mother is indifferent. In this sense, babies take genetic load from father and mother at 50, and it doesn't matter who has the eyes of what color. The odds will be the same.

If you ask me if this table is reliable, I answer that yes but no. Yes it is reliable based on the information it offers, but it is not reliable because the reality is very different. As I said, there are many eye colors. There are people who have them brown, but there are people who have light brown, and people with greenish brown eyes. There are those who have blue, who combines blue with gray and who has green throwing blue. There are even children who have them blue when they are one year old and then when they are three or four it turns out that they seem rather green. Or children with green eyes that end up being almost brown.

It all depends on the passage of time, melatonin and the vagaries of genes. So, well, the table offers us some information based on the simple information of the father and mother, but do not ask for more.

Online eye color calculator

If we want to refine the result a little more, we can make use of an online eye calculator, which in addition to asking us for the color of our eyes and our partner asks us the color of eyes that our parents, our in-laws and our brothers or sisters and brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law. This offers more information on gene transfer and refine the result a little more at the probability level.

I'm talking about The Tech's eye calculator, which is in English, but doesn't have much mystery.

Clicking on "Click to Begin" we begin the process. Where it says "Your mother" we put the color of our mother's eyes. In "Your father" that of our father. In "Mate's mother", the mother-in-law's eye color and in "Mate's father" the father-in-law's eye color.

Then, in "You", we put our eye color and in "Your mate" that of our partner. Then there are options to answer if we have siblings with blue eyes (yes or no) and green (yes or no) and the same questions in the case of our partner.

Press "Calculate" and we will have the result. In the drawings of the eyes we will see the probabilities according to the phenotype and in numbers, in proportions, we will see the probabilities based on the phenotype and the genotype, taking into account the data of the parents and siblings.

What is it for?

Well it doesn't help much. In the end they give you the percentages and they are just that, odds. In my case, I have hazel brown eyes. Something like a brown with some green out there lost. My wife has them green with the honey-colored center. The highest probability was to have children with brown eyes, and I'm still waiting for one to be born like this.

And going further, deep down, what is the use of having the eyes of one color or another? Well, not at all. The rarest eyes of color attract more attention, but the color of the eyes is like that of the hair, it touches us, period, and that does not define us in any way. The important thing after all is that the children come healthy and that they are, in the end, good people. And that no longer depends so much on what we transfer to them with our genes, but on what we transfer to them already in life, day by day. I say.