My son does not want to drink water, will he become dehydrated?

In Babies and more We have already explained on occasion when children begin to need water. In summary, until six months they need nothing more than milk and giving them water can even be dangerous because there is no water in there, there is no milk, and after six months it is when we can start offering them.

They start to eat other things, they start to sit at the table with us and we put some water for them to drink. They suck the glass, the bottle or the bottle and after a drink they leave saying no, that not even crazy people drink what they don't know anything. And the usual thing happens, that they have told me that they can already drink water, that I give and don't want to, Will it dehydrate?

Who knows how much water a baby needs?

I have been tempted, for a moment, to write a "No" here and terminate the entry, but since it is not a plan and as always when we give an answer we offer the appropriate explanation, today it will not be less.

A baby is clear, until six months, how much milk he should eat / drink. Notice that to eat I have added drinking. This is because breast (or artificial) milk serves the baby as food and as a moisturizing element, because it carries water in its composition, much, too.

No one wonders how much breast milk you should drink to be hydrated, or how much bottle to drink, because people don't think about drinking, but about eating. And the children survive six months happy and happy asking every time they need their food / drink.

In fact, in summer, since they are more thirsty, they ask for a tit more often, making small shots. Luckily, mothers are clear that babies should breastfeed on demand and, although no one has explained that to them, they have no problem breastfeeding every time they ask, even more frequently in winter.

The fact is that once they turn six months old babies are still as clear when and how much they should eat and when and how much they should drink. It's not that they are smarter than us, it's that or are hungry, or thirsty. If they are hungry they ask to eat, if they are thirsty, they ask to drink.

Many six-month-old children put some bottles of scary water and many do not even want to try it. Many six-month-old children eat a lot of fruit and vegetables (which have water you don't see) and many don't taste it. Many children drink very liquid cereal porridge and others eat a pasty porridge that should give you a thirst that you don't see. Many eat it all crushed, and that seems to appease the desire to drink water and many already eat pieces and it seems that after a few you fancy a good swallow of water so that everything happens well.

Come on, depending on the feeding of each baby and depending on the thirst that each one has, some babies will drink more water and others less. Some will drink a lot and others will have enough with the water they continue to receive from milk and food.

So if you offer water to your child and he doesn't want to, don't worry, you don't need it. Just in case, offer it from time to time, lest one day you want and for not offering it you stay with the desire, but come on, often even when they do not speak they make themselves understood, so it is not a major problem.

Video: Signs of dehydration in a child (July 2024).