Practical guide for planning healthy breakfasts and snacks

That breakfast and snack are important, we know; that in them food from more than one group should be included (because of the lack of food so complete as to provide all the nutrients that the body needs), too.

What happens is that we lack the time, and sometimes even the ideas ... along with other possible causes, causes only a small proportion of schoolchildren to go to school well breakfast. A good breakfast gives you the energy to cope well with school mornings, it also affects (along with rest) in academic performance. And as we had already mentioned, breakfast also prevents overweight, even in spite of genetic factors that predispose it.

This post is to present you with a Healthy Food Foundation document, with lots of information on types of food, nutritional needs at breakfast and snack, etc.

I think it is interesting to learn the basics in terms of Infant Feeding, and to discover that in our country we have it quite easy, since the Mediterranean diet turns out to be well balanced for children and adults.

With a little more involvement, and organizing ourselves well, we can get the children to eat healthy also in those daily meals to which, perhaps, we do not always devote the necessary attention.

One tip that I like and is included in the document is' take care that basic foods are not lacking (fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil ...) and do not worry so much about prohibited or restricted foods ... the first thing is more effective that the second '

Especially since it is a matter of educating for health, of prioritizing everything that is healthy, and not prohibiting so much so that our children do not feel excessively attracted to what is banned from them, and learn to take care of yourself.

And finally, do not forget to set an example, so you are educating them.

Images | Petras Gagilas, Meg Lessard More information | Healthy Eating Foundation, Easy guide for a healthy breakfast and snack In Peques y Más | Ideas for a healthy snack, Exam time: do you know how to take care of your children's diet so that they improve their physical and intellectual performance? Decalogue for a healthier infant feeding