To do things "like a girl" is to do them wrong? Of course not

I have three daughters and I don't want them to feel less for being girls at any time. Today it seems that this does not happen, but there are still those who slide phrases that suggest that do things "like a girl" be doing them wrong. Run "like a girl", play football "like a girl", throw a ball "like a girl" and other examples that degrade the role of girls.

Of course it's not like that. Girls should not feel weaker because they are girls, because they are not. I want to share this fantastic video created by the brand of female intimate products Always that makes us reflect on the way we want to educate our children to eradicate absurd stereotypes.

The brand has conducted an experiment. He has asked a group of people to do this or that as a girl would. And without thinking, everyone performs silly, over-acted behaviors, the prejudice is so established that when asked to act "like a girl", including women, no one notices that they are being belittled.

It is our responsibility to teach our children that both boys and girls are equal, that girls can do things as well as boys, or better. That everyone has a gift, whatever sex it is.

To belittle girls by making them feel weak, incapable and useless is, in my opinion, a mistreatment. As parents we must sow in our little ones the seeds of respect and equality, so I invite you to watch this video that will give you what to think.