One in five children is infected with lice, how to prevent them?

One of the side effects of going back to school is pediculosis. With the beginning of classes, the cases of children with lice also begin to increase. In fact, it is believed that one in five children gets lice. How can we prevent them and prevent our children from becoming infected?

We give you some tips to avoid, within what is in our hand, the spread of lice. Keep in mind that the environment favors infection and many children together for hours, as long as one has lice, it is a very difficult pest to control.

Avoid direct contact with the head of other children

It is not something simple, especially when we talk about young children who have no conscience. When we talk about older children, care should be taken to avoid direct contact between the heads.

In the case of girls, it is recommended that they go to school with their hair collected with pigtails or braids makes contagion more controlled.

It is often believed that the louse jumps from one head to another, but does not jump. What he does is walk and keep hair down makes it more feasible for him to "move" to a new home.

Use natural repellents

Everything that helps keep them away from the heads of our children, the better.

Use repellents. There are pharmacological ones that are not recommended for a long period of time, but you can use natural repellents, as for example, perfume their head with colonies or herbal essences such as lavender, tea tree or geranium.

I use spray rinsters without rinsing to comb my daughters every morning. For now, it works very well as a repellent (I cross my fingers). The more perfume you have, the better.

You can also find in herbalists some natural products that act as a repellent, as tea tree essence, citronella or quassia amara essence. You can even add it to the hair spray.

Another trick with good results is to rinse the child's hair after washing the hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.

Frequent checks and nits

One of the best tricks to keep lice at bay is to check the child's head frequently and pass the nits twice or three times a week. This will help to detect early if there are lice and to be able to apply the treatment immediately if necessary.

Also, sometimes the treatment does not kill all the nits and therefore reinforce with the nits will help eliminate them. Each adult female lays 200 eggs, so imagine how quickly they expand.

What you have to do is pass the nits after washing and with wet hair. I recommend applying a good amount of fabric softener so that the nits slide better and avoid pulling.

Other tips

Finally, teach your children that they should not share brushes or combs, pigtails, hats, towels, etc. with other children. Personal items are that, personal. Teach him that there are things that are not shared.

It is preferable to store towels, clothes and personal items in your backpack and avoid being in contact with those of other children.

It is also important to brush their hair frequently to weaken the lice and prevent them from laying eggs. Girls are more prone to infection, so brush at least twice a day.

I hope that with all these tips you will get keep lice at bay during this school year. They seem to be increasingly resistant and difficult to eradicate, so try to prevent them before they appear. If you do not get it and they have already been installed on the child's head, here you have a practical guide against lice.

Video: Head Lice in Babies and Children - Causes, Signs and Remedies (May 2024).