A congress will be held over the weekend that will present alternatives to the traditional school process

I thought this information might interest some of you. It goes to question the “state educational option”, and to give visibility to educational currents are thought and function apart from it since the early twentieth century.

Of course, the education that most of our children receive today is anything but active and alive. That is why it is important to respect it as a whole, regardless of the option that each one has chosen for convenience, comfort or ignorance of other choices.

Next weekend (specifically on November 7 and 8) a Congress will be held at the University Jaume I - UJI - (Castellón de la Plana)

It will present different educational proposals that will allow know alternatives to the traditional school process, and reflect on why and for what of them. The aim is to create bridges of knowledge to access realities, projects and ways of understanding education based on respect for the maturation processes that mark the learning of children.

And why not ?, Congress can also serve to enhance the dialogue that would approximate the lines of university research, to a pedagogical reality that even being unknown to many, is gaining exponentially.

Here you have all the necessary information to decide if you register: the price is 30 or 40 euros depending on the situation of each one (studying, unemployed, others), except for the students of the University Master of Psychopedagogy, which can be included free of charge.

In the program you will find - among other valuable contributions - that the Congress has the presence of Manel Martínez (co-founder of Liberi). I tell you finally, that the initiative It has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the UJI, Momo Espai Educatiu, the Fundació Universitat Empresa and the Casiopea Association of Benicassim.

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